Olivia Cullen Golf Day

Posted by on Dec 8, 2022 in Events Column, News Column | Comments Off on Olivia Cullen Golf Day

An evening at Downpatrick Golf Club last Friday for the presentation of £7,600.00 from the Olivia Cullen Golf Day. Olivia’s Mum and Dad, Emma and Philip have been running this event for the past 10 years in memory of Olivia and over that time they have raised an amazing £71,600.00.
This money has been spread throughout the hospital, including a donation to the provision of an MRI Scanner which has made a huge difference in diagnosing children from all over Northern Ireland.
A huge thank you to Emma, Philip and all their friends and family members who took part in these events.
Emma and Philip are taking a break from the Golf Day for now but have vowed their ongoing support in other areas. It has been a privilege working with you both, thank you again, your support is much appreciated.